Celebrating the von Trapp musicians who inspired the musical The Sound of Music
Trapp Family Singers
Do you or someone you know have stories, flyers, or items related to Trapp Family Music Camp (1944-1956)? Let us know!
Trapp Family Austrian Relief
SUPPORT: Share Memories, Photos, Letters, Articles, Etc.
Do you or someone you know have stories, play bills, or items related to the Trapp Family Singers (1940-1956)? Let us know!
Trapp Family Choir
Trapp Family Artists
What's In Your Attic?
Memories fade, items get lost, thrown away, or sometimes lose significance. It's important to preserve our collective past. Through our undertakings, we recognize how easily the past is forgotten, which gives a sense of urgency to our projects. Do you or someone you know have memories, photos, letters, playbills, news articles, etc., related to the von Trapp family? Or would you or someone you know like to share your experiences with the musical, The Sound of Music? Please contact us to share your story or items, we would love to hear from you. Thank you!
Did you or someone you know purchase Trapp art or handicrafts? Let us know! We'd like to catalog their work.
'Your Sound-of-Music Story'
Do you or someone you know, have stories, letters, photos, etc. related to the family's post-WWII relief efforts? Let us know!
Note: vonTrapp.org is a project of the Georg & Agathe Foundation
FREE: Updates and history trivia
Contact Us
When was the first time you saw the musical? Were you every in a play production? Share your experiences with us!
© 2015-2025 Stichting Georg & Agathe Foundation, parent nonprofit to vonTrapp.org. All rights reserved.
Netherlands KvK-nummer 63503336 | Terms of use and disclaimer
Trapp Family Music Camp
Do you or someone you know have stories, play bills, or items related to the Trapp Family Choir (1934-1940)? Let us know!